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What Would a Successful TikTok Marketing Strategy Involve

Business & Finance

What Would a Successful TikTok Marketing Strategy Involve

What Would a Successful TikTok Marketing Strategy Involve

If you are looking to scale your business’s online presence, TikTok is the place to be. A lot of businesses have grown to amazing heights on the app, and it is no surprise with TikTok’s seamless integration systems that allow businesses to thrive. If you are new to TikTok as a business, there are a few things to keep in mind when including it within your marketing strategy. In this blog, we will share our tips to grow your TikTok channels as a brand new to TikTok. Take a look at the following suggestions:


Creating a business account 

First of all, you need to get your TikTok account set up and ready to go. Make sure you set your account up as a business account. This will allow you to run ads in the future if you have a budget set aside for them, and will also allow you to have your company’s website in the author bio. Business accounts do restrict your access to certain trending sounds, but you will have access to commercial sounds which have an equal opportunity to go viral. A great benefit og TikTok marketing is you don’t need your own website, which comes with more expenses such as web development and management.


Posting every day

Sometimes quality trumps quantity, but when you are just starting on TikTok, posting as much as possible is key. This can pose a problem for businesses with limited time available, however, you need to allocate time each week to create a bulk of content to streamline the process. That way, if you have 7 videos ready to post, you can schedule them across the week, leaving time for a seamless social schedule. What you post is entirely dependent on your niche, but there are so many accounts to take inspiration from. For example, if you are a fashion brand selling abayas, you may post a ‘get ready with me video one day’, and try on haul the next day, a behind the scenes with the brand video, and much more.


Be authentic

This leads us to our next point. You need to be authentic if you wish to connect with your target audience and create a name for yourself. Brands that show behind the scenes of the brand historically have done much better on TikTok. Share your brand’s story, show the process of bringing products to life, and show you are humans too who face problems and how you overcome them!


Engaging with audiences 

Your audience needs to feel like they are a part of your brand’s growth. Hence why engaging with them is key. Reply to comments, stitch videos from other creators, and be a good ‘TikTok reticent’ as this is what TikTok wants to see from growing brands. For example, if you are showing London souvenirs through your tiktok, answer any questions users have in the comments.


Utilising TikTok’s tools 

Last but certainly not least, you need to make sure you are making use of TikTok available tools: 

  • TikTok shop 
  • TikTok analytics 
  • TikTok creative lives 

Bottom Line

Overall, making a name for your brand on TikTok is not easy, but businesses that dedicate time to their social growth are certain to grow and be recognised as brands worth investing in.


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