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How to Help Students With Poor Self Esteem?


How to Help Students With Poor Self Esteem?

How to Help Students With Poor Self Esteem?

In order to be successful, students need to make sure that they have self esteem. Those who have low level of confidence will be more likely to fail in their education. There are various causes of low self esteem among students, such as lack of opportunities, peers pressure, absence of role models and bad family situations. There are different components of self esteems. Students need to have good opinions on their own personal value. They need to be confident on the kind of their world. They are able to have proper personal achievements and they know that people are thinking positively about them. Teachers should constantly pay attention to the demeanour of each student and respond accordingly. Low self esteem isn’t only expressed by passivity, but also inappropriate behaviors that disrupt the study patterns of the whole class. These students can become quite defiant and they are unwilling to trust adults. They may abuse and taunt students who are seen as inferior. This is their way of gaining trust among other students.

Teachers should guide students on how to gain trust in a proper way and this could a quite arduous task. We should observer whether these students are targeting shy freshmen. It is important for teachers to know how to approach these students. As an example, they should seek common interests, so students with low self esteem are more willing to interact. After teachers have been trusted by students, they will tell various incidents in their lives that may lead to self esteem issues. Students who have low esteem may face serious obstacles in their lives, so it is important for teachers to help in addressing these issues. In reality, some of these low esteem students are actually quite gifted and they are able to perform various feats. It is important that these potentials can be channelled properly. In order to do this, teachers should prove to be genuine and sincere individuals who are willing to help students to reach the full potentials. Once these factors are fulfilled, the self esteem of students will immediately shoot up and they will be able perform better at school.

Self esteem should also manifest in a positive way outside the school. Students should be directed to perform various artistic and physical activities that can help them to become better individuals. They won’t have good self esteem, if they continue to stay on the sideline and become the audience. Parents should also be notified about the positive improvements that happen to these children. They will be glad to know that their children have become more productive individuals in the school. Teachers should intrustc students about positive manner. Achieving all of this will require some amount of patience and time. The task can be quite arduous, but teachers should be eager to achieve their goals. They shouldn’t expect to get immediate results, because students with low self esteem can be somewhat hard to control. Teachers shouldn’t think that some students are damaged too much that they can’t be helped. Each small positive thing that teachers do could have lasting and lifetime consequences among students.

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