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How To Stay Fit During The Coronavirus Outbreak

How To Stay Fit During The Coronavirus Outbreak


How To Stay Fit During The Coronavirus Outbreak

How To Stay Fit During The Coronavirus Outbreak

After spending the first few weeks of isolation due to the Coronavirus most people are starting to get cabin fever. There’s only so much time you can spend sitting around watching TV, so if you’re looking for ways to stay active and fit during your days of staying at home, here’s five exercises you can do from home, get your fitness clothing ready.


If you’re looking to ease yourself into the more intense workouts, starting off with some stretches and breathing exercising will make you feel a lot better every day. Look at yoga videos for beginners and start stretching your body out, remember all the natural exercise and stretches you would do in a conventional day aren’t there anymore, you’re not able to walk to work or go to the gym, so giving your body time to stretch out daily is a healthy way to start.


If you don’t want to be out running or cycling there are other ways to get the heart rate up. Skipping is a great work your whole body, so if you have a small garden or courtyard this is a good choice.

Press Ups

Press-ups offer a lot of muscular improvement start with your arms and chest. Start with ten press up a day and work your way up to 15 & 20, and remember press-ups are very demanding on your body so its best to stretch beforehand if you’re not used to strenuous exercise. 


Core ideal for most people as it can be as demanding as you want it to be, the plank for example is an exercise that helps build core muscle. It’s ideal for most as it uses static positions which are recommended to hold for 60 seconds, (naturally, you can decrease or increase this based on your fitness level.


While you might not normally be a fitness guru, your legs are likely to be suffering the most as you won’t be doing as much walking. Squats are ideal for upper and lower legs and you can also do one leg squats and weighted squats to improve your strength and balance training.

If you’re looking for a more vigorous workout there’s plenty online and trainers on Instagram are also offering training videos to help with encouragement and technique.

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