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Simple Tips To Maintain Health and Safety On A Construction Site

Business & Finance

Simple Tips To Maintain Health and Safety On A Construction Site

Simple Tips To Maintain Health and Safety On A Construction Site

Health and safety on a construction site are very important when managing a project. There are so many things that can go wrong that it can be hard to keep on top of. Nonetheless, there are a few things that you can do to make sure you are keeping on top of health and safety, preventing any possible injury if your employees follow your guidelines. 

Appropriate Clothing

This is a no-brainer but for some people, it is something they can get wrong. Ensuring you enforce a strict system of the right clothing that should be worn on a construction site is a great way to ensure everybody is safe. If you are unsure of what clothes you should wear on a construction site, it would usually include loose-fitted clothes that are lightweight. 

Depending on the construction site you are working on, it may be advised to avoid wearing reflective clothing in the summer months. The reason for this is that it can conduct heat, causing your body to overheat, with there then being a risk of heat stroke. 

Work boots/ shoes should also be worn on a construction site. Trainers and other types of shoes are not appropriate, simply because they do not protect your feet if anything dangerous spills or drops on your feet. 

Use The Correct Tools For The Job

One of the main causes of injury on a construction site is that the right tools have not been used. If you do not supply your construction workers with the right equipment for the job, their health and safety are at risk. Furthermore, it will save time and energy when the right tool is used. 

For example, if they use a wood drill bit to drill into concrete could be an increased and unnecessary risk of an injury to occur. Something else you need to remember is people working at heights. Either give them a telehandler or set up scaffolding so they can work at heights. There are many scaffolding, and telehandler hire companies where you can use their equipment/machinery for a few days whilst you get the job done. 

Stick To Good Working Habits

Something else which is important to site health and safety is maintaining good working habits. To do this, there are many things you need to ensure. One of those is to ensure your construction workers are communicating with the supervisors. If there is a health risk, they need to communicate this with someone who is in charge. Make sure all employees don’t work alone in case anything goes wrong. There should always be someone else with them in case an accident occurs, especially if it is a risky task. Also, ensure that all safety and PPE are worn at all times. Hard hats should be worn at all times unless it is not possible to do so. 


There are many things to manage when running a construction project. Health and safety should be a top priority when the manager of a construction site. If there is a severe risk to your or your worker’s health, put the job on hold until you have the right safety equipment. 

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