
Wildlife Education: Rescuing the Whales

When the whale is experiencing old age, illness, injuries, or simply get lost, you might find them stranded on the coast. However, during these past years, the whale standing has been increasing. Most of the stranding phenomenon remain unreported due to the remote or less-populated area. Rescuing stranding whales become our duty, here are how you can do it:

  1.  Observe the stranding whale from a safe perimeter so your presence won’t generate discomfort, distress, or pain to it. You can also promote the perimeter to other people who also witnessed it, don’t let them come at any closer to preventing stressing condition to the whale.
  2. As you observe the whale, next you’ll need to contact the expert for help. Who are they? Wildlife officers, wildlife staff, police, or local marine network on mammal stranding. Contact any one of them.
  3. You need to inform what you’ve previously observed while you’re reporting the stranding in two parts. First, the accurate location where the stranding is happening should be reported so the rescuer can reach the location faster and easier. Second, describe the condition of the whale-like injuries, sounding, or other appearances.
  4. Maintain a perimeter as a safe distance, it’s important to do no attempts until the rescuer comes to the location. A wild animal can harm you as they feel treated or even though it’s helpless. A whale can injure you in both as they roll in the water or as they trash their tails.
  5. Avoid any contact including touching as stranding whales may carry zoonotic disease. However, if you’ve touched, it’s important to wash your hand thoroughly with antiseptical solutions.
  6. Don’t attempt pushing the stranding whale back to the seas as you got no backup and appropriate tools. This attempt injure and harm you at any points.
  7. As you have proper backup including assistance and tools, you can help the whale by blowing the hole on his head to ensure that it can breathe.
  8. Another key point is to keep the whale wet during any procedures. Pour water using any tools you can find but avoid the breathing hole. This is a standard procedure before the whale can be moved back to the water.
  9. Maintain the whale from drying and sunlight exposure so it can survive before moved back to the water. You can use water-soaked burlap bags to cover the exposed whale body but avoid the hole.
  10. In the end, stay with the stranded whale until experts and rescuers arrive at the stranding location.
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