
Types Of Sexual Cases That A Sex Crimes Lawyer Works On

Types Of Sexual Cases That A Sex Crimes Lawyer Works On

Sex crimes are the types of charges which are punished severely by the justice system. It is essential that any person accused of sex crimes understand what they are going up against legally. They need to prepare a proper defense against these types of charges. This is only possible with the help of a sex crimes lawyer.

The penalties and sentences for any sex crime-related convictions can be harsh which may also involve the individual to register as a sex offender. Other penalties include fines and jail time which can be up to a lifetime, depending on the type of crime committed. Moreover, anyone convicted of a sex crime will have a life forever altered. Even he or she is able to receive a lighter sentence and keep the past records clean, it will be hard to recover a person’s reputation after a sex crime conviction. This is why the defendant along with a sex crimes lawyer must create a strong defense from the very beginning. It is necessary to understand the charges involved to have a better chance of avoiding such penalties.

There are various types of sex crimes. Each sex crime has its own nature, protocols, mandates, and penalties. Some crimes may overlap depending on the nature of the case. The defense team needs to understand the different types of sex crimes before going on a trial.

Types of Sex Crimes

Indecency With A Child

This type of sex crime happens when an individual engages in any form of sexual contact with a minor who is younger than 17 years old. Whether or not the individual intended for any contact to happen, the case may move forward with the surrounding circumstances. Indecency with a child charges has two types. The first one is indecency by contact, while the other is indecency by exposure.

Indecency by contact allows a person to be charged with a second-degree felony charge if the individual had any sexual contact with a child or leads a child to engage in any form of sexual contact. Sexual contact can refer to the touching of a child’s genitals, breast or anus, even with any clothing on. This offense is also referred to as child molestation.

Indecency by exposure is a third-degree felony charge where the person has the intention of gratifying his or her sexual arousal by exposing any genitals to a child that is present. The case can also involve the person causing a child to expose any genital or anus to the perpetrator.

Indecent Exposure

Just like indecency by exposure to a child, any person who exposes his or her genitalia to the public can be charged with indecent exposure. It might not carry a harsh sentence but it is still a nasty record.


Prostitution is the practice or business of engaging in any form of sexual activity in exchange for monetary payment. Clients of prostitution are mostly men, although there are also women who solicit services from a prostitute.


Rape is a sex crime that carries heavy punishments and penalties. It is a type of sexual assault where the perpetrator had sexual intercourse or penetration against the will of the victim. The crime can be committed through the use of coercion, physical force, abuse of authority, or the victim is incapable of giving the perpetrator any valid consent. Some examples of the victim being incapable of giving valid consent include having an intellectual disability, below the legal age of consent, incapacitated, or unconscious.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is an act where the individual intentionally touches another person in a sexual way without the victim’s consent such as groping. It can also be involved in physically forcing or coercing a person to do a sexual act against his or her own will. It is a type of sexual violence, which may include rape, such as oral or vaginal penetration. In other cases, it can be a drug-facilitated sexual assault. 

Statutory Rape

Statutory rape is a non-forcible type of sexual activity where one of the individuals involved is under the age of consent. It also refers to any adults who engaged in any sexual contact with a minor.

There are other forms of sexual crimes that could land anyone in jail. Particularly, these crimes include possession of child pornography or sexual battery. Even if the defendant gets a light sentence having a sex crime on record is not pleasant and can affect future prospects. It is important to work with an experienced sex crimes lawyer to be able to navigate and prepare legal defense effectively.

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