
The Simple Lowdown on How to Sell a House

Sell a House

The real estate market has changed a great deal over the past couple of years and while the conventional buyer was easy to please, today’s generation is made of up hard-boiled experts armed with legislation and all the latest information that Google can provide. However, if you push just the right buttons, then conjuring a sale shouldn’t be a tough task. On that note, here’s what you should keep in mind.

1) Take note of your competition

Before you venture into unchartered territories of the real estate market, be sure to first check out other similar properties for sale in your area and use these properties as references in terms of price among other essential aspects. This information should also give you a peek behind the curtains of buyer profiles so that you can make changes according. You can find out all you need to know by signing up to relevant property portals so that you are always in the know and have a clear picture of what customers are generally looking for.

2) Have all the requisite papers in order

Be sure to have all the papers needed to oversee the sale, the most important of which is the title deed of course. This document can take weeks to obtain so start early enough before the sale, say about a month in advance. Also, have your solicitor tie up loose ends with regards to any pending contracts so as to expedite matters.

3) Pick out the right real estate agent

Have a sit down with the most active and reputable agents in your area to get their two cents on your property’s value and appeal before settling on any one person to represent you. Aside from enabling you to get the right man for the job, the mean average of their valuations will also generally give you a realistic gauge of the asking price.

4) Foresee problems and make them known to your market base

Prior to any negotiations, consider having a condition survey done so as to identify any potential problems that might arise in future so that potential buyers know exactly what they are getting into. By preempting prospective issues and being honest about them to your buyers, you’ll steer clear of retaliatory lawsuits from customers who’ll understandably feel duped.

5) Get a third-party opinion

Get a trusted, extra pair of eyes to look over the property. Don’t solely rely on your own perception of what is good or bad rather get another point of view possibly from a friend with a commendable taste in style. Be sure to do so early enough so that if any weak points churn up, you can have them sorted out, that is if you are in a financial position to do so. If not, make your strongpoints stand out so that they completely overshadow the bad but still remember to be truthful nonetheless.

Oh, and one last thing: never prepare your house for a sale over the weekend. Start as early in the week as possible so that in case the house is in need of any minor repairs or documentation- e.g. paintwork, decluttering etc.- you’ll have ample time to get everything sorted out.

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